VIMworld Community Writing History With SX-Tier VIMs!

5 min readNov 23, 2021


At VIMworld, we know that our community is our greatest asset. We are always amazed and impressed by your ideas, engagement and devotion towards helping make VIMworld the greatest NFT platform imaginable. Recently, we have been blown away by some developments in the community — multiple developments, we should say! Six of our members recently managed to tier up 7 different VIMs to SX-Tier, the highest tier of all!

With this, these community members have immortalized themselves in VIMworld history and we extend our congratulations! Such an achievement requires a large amount of dedication, time and effort. With this attainment comes the exciting unveiling of new holographic artwork and new custom animations that we can’t wait to unveil to you all.

A Long Journey

Achieving SX-Tier really is no simple feat. These VIMs, at a minimum, must be fed 55,501 VIMenergy to achieve this level, which is an incredibly impressive undertaking all by itself! Not only does that require a large amount of VIMenergy and VEED, it also requires a large amount of time, taking 698 days of feeding full-time, assuming no feasting took place. “I felt a strong bond with this VIM because it was my first that I fed to S-Tier,” said one of the new SX-Tier VIM holders. “The excitement of the new level system and Treasures made me want to level-up straight away but after reaching Tier S6 or S7 I began slowing down. Thanks to the new VIMmanagement and a spike in price [of VEED], I quickly feasted from S9 to SX. After achieving the ultimate goal, I felt joy and relief.”

We particularly love the sense of connection and emotion that a user can feel for a VIM. Companionship is a key pillar of our ethos. We built VIMworld so that each user is directly involved in the feeding and evolution of their VIMs. Users get to see VIMs grow visually, as upgrading tiers unlocks new bespoke artwork designed by our collaborating artists.

As an example, let’s look at the evolution of Philippe Diamant.

F-B Tier Philippe Diamant
A-S1 Tier Philippe Diamant
S2-S5 Tier Philippe Diamant
S6-S9 Tier Philippe Diamant
SX Tier Philippe Diamant

These well-fed SX VIMs also hold significant value. Each one holds around $100K worth of VEED and receives the biggest return when it comes to our blessings. “The VIM I chose is one of my very favorite VIM works of art! Seeing how much $VEED the SX’s VIMs received in the last blessings event, made it seem worth the amount it cost me to feast” another of the SX-tier VIM holders told us. “I believe it will be an excellent investment both now and in the future. I came to this project for the financial benefit, however, it has also turned into a very entertaining project that keeps me guessing what is next and what is yet to be revealed!”

With The Right Tools

We pride ourselves on building robust and functional tools to help each VIM holder on their journey. For example, our intelligent Feeding system combines VEED and VIMenergy in a way that offsets the impact of rising VEED prices on the leveling up of VIMs. We also recently introduced VEED transfer and VEED withdrawal functions to ensure you can put any excess VEED to good use in another VIM, or withdraw VEED entirely if you so choose, de-leveling your VIM in the process. We also developed a ’Feasting’ option following feedback from the community, allowing users to overrule the daily feeding limits entirely and steam ahead with their VIM feeding ventures.

Seeing our dedicated community and hearing these testimonials motivates us to keep building tomorrow’s ecosystem where high-tier VIMs will carry massive prestige and be rewarded and respected accordingly. As our community grows and progresses, we will have many exciting things to be discovered — we look forward to you finding them!

If you would like to check out the artworks for yourselves, you can view all 7 current SX-VIM artworks at — Ultimate VIMs. After new SX-Tier VIMs started showing up in rapid succession, we had to expand our leaderboard section to accommodate up to 10 VIMs!

Access VIMworld Now

VIMworld is a revolutionary non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystem that creates a space where entrepreneurship and play combine and thrive. At the core of VIMworld are VIMs themselves, each one unique and permanent. VIMs are Smart NFTs that will deliver an immutable system of authentication, allowing their owners to both store and build value through play whilst building meaningful connections with others.

VIMworld can be accessed through using a VeChain-enabled browser such as the VeChain Sync browser or Google Chrome + Comet Extension. It is also accessible on mobile devices through the VeChainThor Mobile Wallet on iOS and Android.

For more information about VIMworld, please follow our social media channels:





Written by VIMworld

VIMworld is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem.

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